Sunday, 18 March 2012

Week 3 Compostion
This week we learnt all about compostion and the do's and dont'. This was fun cause i found myself trying to be a little more creative then trying to snap a shot.. so here are my photos that i snapped...

My first picture is from my daughters Ballet exam .
They go in a group of 4. They were warming up prior to their exam and thought this was so neat.
 I loved how i could see the row of feet..
                  f 4.5  1/100 sec
Since is spring time here i thought a perfect picture would be the girls playing in the neighbours garden...
Here is Brittany tromping through the mud...
f/4 1/320sec

Here i thought this was neat.. just the railing on my deck.. just the continous of the spindels
f/4 1/250sec

Here is an old path at my parents farm. At then end of the path is an old tractor but i loved the way
the fence was all old and tipy.
 f/22 1/6sec

Last but not least here is my oldest daughter Madison..just trying some posing techniques with her
she was such a sport being it only +3 out today it was very chilly

f/7.1 1/160sec for both pictures

As you can see i had alot of fun this week getting my shots.. It is amazing what a person learn in such short amount of time...thank you so much for the opporunity Brooke.   This is truely awesome...

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