Sunday, 25 March 2012

Week 4...Photo Basics

       I would ike to apologize for not being able to post any pictures this week...Our Week has been filled with prayers for our two month old nephew who was admitted in the hospital for stage 3 liver my husband left to help his brother leaving me to hold down the fort.
       This week was filed with running girlsto dance altering dance costumes and managing my moms store as she was down with a horrible unforunately i was unable to get my assignment down..i do apologize for not getting this done but my plate was spilling off..i hope to get my next week assignment done for our catch up week..
       Btw my nephew had surgery this morning and is looking more postive for at this time, but will eventually need a liver transplant. He will still remain in hospital for another month to heal from this first surgery. Then gain strength in the next year for his Liver transplant..I ask you to keep him in your prayers as he has a long road ahead of him..

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Week 3 Compostion
This week we learnt all about compostion and the do's and dont'. This was fun cause i found myself trying to be a little more creative then trying to snap a shot.. so here are my photos that i snapped...

My first picture is from my daughters Ballet exam .
They go in a group of 4. They were warming up prior to their exam and thought this was so neat.
 I loved how i could see the row of feet..
                  f 4.5  1/100 sec
Since is spring time here i thought a perfect picture would be the girls playing in the neighbours garden...
Here is Brittany tromping through the mud...
f/4 1/320sec

Here i thought this was neat.. just the railing on my deck.. just the continous of the spindels
f/4 1/250sec

Here is an old path at my parents farm. At then end of the path is an old tractor but i loved the way
the fence was all old and tipy.
 f/22 1/6sec

Last but not least here is my oldest daughter Madison..just trying some posing techniques with her
she was such a sport being it only +3 out today it was very chilly

f/7.1 1/160sec for both pictures

As you can see i had alot of fun this week getting my shots.. It is amazing what a person learn in such short amount of time...thank you so much for the opporunity Brooke.   This is truely awesome...

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Week 2 Assignment..Shutter speed

   This week felt like i was being caught in Shutter speed. It was definitly a busy week..But I did manage to get my home work done. I had some many images to choose from but the ones i choose i thought were a little out of the box...

My first image is my son Graham Jumping in puddles..this is quite amazing considering our area recieved 5 inches of snow just this past Tuesday..crazy how our weather can change in a matter of days...

 Graham Jumping in a puddle     froze action up and down   my setting   1/500 f20

Since dance season is fast approaching I was Fitting costumes so I thought this would make a great
opportunity to use this as an action shot.. Trying to think out of the box.
my settings   f/10 1/20

Here is my panning shot..again trying to think out of the box..I realze what i am shooting is a small pink ball and it is very hard to focus just on that but i thought it was worth a husband was trying to get rid of a old wasp nest . i have posted two pictures since i did have trouble with this one..

My settings  f/25 1/20


Here is my daughter Brittany helping me show action frozen fowards.
My settings 1/250 f/5

This weeks assignment was a lot of fun and learning more tricks to much camera definitly makes me feel confident in what i am trying to capture...

Thanks so much Brooke for these fabulous tips...

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Week 1 Aperture & Depth of Field

This week was really full filling in really learns all the tricks to make sure you are getting correct exporsure ..It was great here is my pictures for our assignment.

Picture 1  Storytelling
Winter Street      f/22 13sec

Singular Theme
Address Number Post  f/5.6 1/4000

Winter Fun   f/11 1/1600